NorOnTour Minnesota

NorOnTour Minnesota


March 2, 2024    
All Day


Ticket only! Hotel blocks listed on NorOnTour page!

Flags, banners, noisemakers, and instruments are allowed but need pre-approval! Send a photo and dimensions to before Wed 2/28.

Friday 3/1 – Night Before Party
Brit’s Pub (1110 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis). Rooftop bar and a lawn bowling green!

Saturday 3/2
9:00am – Pregame festivities with MNU supporters at Black Hart of Saint Paul! 1415 University Ave W, St. Paul. Only a 10 minute walk to the stadium! Bar opens at 8am for EPL matches.

1:00pm CST – Kickoff

Allianz Field has a clear bag policy. Enter through NE gate.

Post-match party and karaoke at Black Hart, plus a funk and disco party at 9pm!

Event Type

Rock out with the Nordecke for Crewsmas Eve! Friday February 21st at SPACEBAR, featuring music from local artists! Tickets on sale now!

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